About Me

Hi and welcome!  Thanks for spending some time checking out SHE FINDS JOY.    I'm the creator and writer here at this little blog.  I hope you get a kick out of it, hope it makes you smile, and if it causes a few little chuckles that would be even better. 

I'm a born and bred Texas girl.  For the past several years I've been planted in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.  Happily, I see more cows and farm animals than skyscrapers and freeways.  I'm a wife, and a mother to two shelter rescue doggies.  I'm blessed to have many babies and kiddos in my life, and this is where I find my joy.

You will find lots of cute pictures of animals, kids, senior citizens, decadent fattening food, fun garden sights, and anything else that strikes me as being good for our soul. I hope you enjoy and feel lighter of heart when you leave ☺  

P.S.  Who is the lady in the red skates?  I have no idea...she just made me smile ☺  Maybe she will make you smile too.