Tuesday, April 29, 2014


This seems very appropriate for me today.  With the latest security scare...this time effecting Microsoft and Internet Explorer, I changed to a different web browser. Luckily, it was not as painful as I was expecting.  But, I'm a creature of habit.  By trial and error I find a way of doing things that I'm comfortable with, and I stick to that method.  I like the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".  Well, I couldn't really argue this time coz evidently, it's broken.  So as long as I was changing things, I figured I should change my passwords as well.  I try to do this pretty often, but believe me, I hate it!  They say don't write them down, don't put them on a post-it next to your computer, blah blah blah.  Who can remember all those passwords, changing them over and over again, week in and week out. Grrrrrrrr. So, I'm betting this little cartoon will strike a cord with a lot of people who have also been jumping through hoops with their passwords lately.  

Had to do a little cover-up of their opinionated finger gestures  :  )